Song Time
After Song Time we had a short message. For the message we read a Bible Story, and the kids helped to tell it. They had an action for each time certain words were said. So when ever I said "Jesus" they had to point up to heaven and say "Christ the Lord!" Any time waves was said, they had to make wave motions with their arms. And there were 4 other actions. Then I read the story of Jesus calming the storm. It was a lot of fun, and the kids liked it. At the end, we said that just like Jesus was in control with the disciples and the storm, he will also be with you during life's storm.
After the message we played games. The Senior High students had an acting game where they had to make various kids of household machines. They had to act like it, but could not speak. The junior high students played balloon volleyball. Both groups had a lot of fun.

Balloon Volleyball
To end the evening we had snacks and pray time. I must say that this group is becoming one of the highlights of my time here in Taiwan. We have only met 3 times, but it has been such a great chance to have fun with the students, and to get to know them better outside of the classroom. I pray that God would use this group to help bring people closer to him.
Until later!