Earlier this week a co-worker of mine, Amy, came knocking on the door of my house in the early evening. Me and Kevin were home, and answered the door, expecting it to be a fellow missionary asking about dinner plans or something like that. But much to my surprise it was in fact Amy and her little daughter. They had with them a stray kitten who they had found on campus. Amy asked if we could watch it for the evening, and then it would be taken some where else the next day.
Me and Kevin agreed to this. I mean, how can you say no to a fellow co-worker, her little daughter and a cute stray kitten. So we decided to watch it for the evening. I can only imagine what James was thinking after he heard we agreed to take it in.
So the next day came and there was not a place for the cat to go. Another day came and went, and no one has wanted to take the cat. We are currently on day 4 of caring for this kitten, and honestly I don't know if the end is in site.
The kitten with no name is living in our back enclosed porch area. This is a non-finished part of the house that has the washing machine, and clothes racks for drying. It is dusty back there, but very hard to keep clean because it is cemented with screens for windows. Thus when any typhoon or rain storm comes blowing through, dust and every else gets kicked up and the room gets dirty.
So to close I will leave you with some pictures of our furry friend. Enjoy and God's blessings on your day!