I have my own room, and we have stove, TV, microwave, toaster oven (always reminds me of Tom), laundry, a full bathroom, and a half bathroom. It is in a wooded part of campus, and very close to the basketball courts. I am most happy about this. Playing basketball has been a great opportunity for me to meet students.
While my room is not huge, it has all that I need and more. I have a desk, dresser, air conditioner, clothes basket, Iowa Hawkeye football poster, and even my “Play Like a Champion Today” print-out to slap each day as a leave. I hope to add some more decorations to my walls, as they are still a little plain.
And now about the bed. It is a single bed, so nothing that I am not used to, however beds are a little different here. To put it frankly, it is hard as a rock. They are very common in this part of the world.

After waking up the first 3 or 4 days I was extremely sore, to the point that I really had no desire to lay in bed any longer. However, my back is now used to sleeping on this type of mattress, and I feel fine waking up in the morning. I was also informed that this is better for the back than the soft beds that are found in the States. So all is well now. And when I do eventually come home, I might just prefer the floor!