I have my own room, and we have stove, TV, microwave, toaster oven (always reminds me of Tom), laundry, a full bathroom, and a half bathroom. It is in a wooded part of campus, and very close to the basketball courts. I am most happy about this. Playing basketball has been a great opportunity for me to meet students.
While my room is not huge, it has all that I need and more. I have a desk, dresser, air conditioner, clothes basket, Iowa Hawkeye football poster, and even my “Play Like a Champion Today” print-out to slap each day as a leave. I hope to add some more decorations to my walls, as they are still a little plain.
And now about the bed. It is a single bed, so nothing that I am not used to, however beds are a little different here. To put it frankly, it is hard as a rock. They are very common in this part of the world.

After waking up the first 3 or 4 days I was extremely sore, to the point that I really had no desire to lay in bed any longer. However, my back is now used to sleeping on this type of mattress, and I feel fine waking up in the morning. I was also informed that this is better for the back than the soft beds that are found in the States. So all is well now. And when I do eventually come home, I might just prefer the floor!
Well Mark, it sounds like you have all the comforts of home except "mom" to do the laundry. As for hard beds, as I recall, when I was in Asia, they were also shorter than U.S. beds. Sounds lked a good place to temporarily call "Home Sweet Home"
Hey Mark,
I have heard that also that hard beds are better for one's back. Glad you took the Hawkeye poster for your room. Does it have the schedule on it? It's nice that you have a place to do laundry right in your home. And playing basketball right in your back yard is right up your alley!!
Take care!!
Yes the Hawkeye poster does have the schedule on it. Next Saturday, Ball St. I cannot wait to see how this year will play out. As for the laundry, not too big of a deal, but we did have to decifer the Mandarin. I had help with that, and now just do all of my clothes on the same setting.
Good to hear from you Janelle,
There are four other rooms. James, Kevin, and Mike (a returning teacher) live with me. I have a room on the ground floor, they are all upstairs. I have linked Kevin's blog on mine, read his for information on the insects we have had in our house as well.
You had me going, I had to check rivals to double check, but their cb is suspended for the season opener.
Just hope Tate is not dehydrated!
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