Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Back in Taiwan

Hey everybody. I just wanted to write and let you all know that I did make it back safely and have been spending the last 2 weeks getting ready for the new semester. I have already helped with 2 Bible studies, both of which were well attended. Friday Night Bible Study will start up next Friday, and the On-Campus Fellowship group will be starting in 2 weeks.

On top of the Bible Studies and Fellowships, there is of course school. There's nothing like buzz surrounding a new school year. I am absolutely pumped up for the chance to meet my new students and continue building relationships with my old students and teachers. Today I just returned from the annual faculty trip. The past 2 years the school faculty has taken a 3 day trip to another part of the island. Last year we went to Taipei. This year we went to Shin-Joo. It is always nice to travel and see new things on the island, but for me the highlight of these trips is the chance to converse and meet more of my Taiwanese co-workers. It is easy to get caught up in my office and not meet that many teachers outside of the English department, or have the opportunity to chat. Each year, I feel like I get to know more and more teachers, and I definitely felt like that on this year's trip. There were many more teachers I felt comfortable chatting with on the trip, and I feel my Chinese improving to where I can have short convesations with those that cannot speak English very well.

I am thankful that Lord has provided such an excellent faculty to work with and that I can continue to build relationships with the teachers that I work with . I pray that God will bless those relationships and give me the strength and words to witness Christ to those who do not yet know believe in Him.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Departure

Well, I write this the evening before I head back to Taiwan. That's right boys and girls, at 6 AM I will begin the long voyage home. Home...almost strange to write, but it definitely feels right. Soon I will get back to friends, co-workers, and of course my students. I pray that God will grant me a safe journey and the strength, wisdom, and passion to serve Him in Taiwan this year. I'll write you again from the flip side!