Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Back in the States...but returning very soon

Well, I know that the last post talks about me just returning from China, and that was obviously quite awhile ago. In the mean time after that post, I finished up the semester and made my way back to America. I have been hanging out here in the U.S. for the last four weeks. On Friday, I'll return Taiwan for a fourth year of teaching at Concordia Middle School.

The end of the semester was intense. I rushed and pushed to finish all of grading, while at the same time working on online courses for my English as a Second Language certification. Honestly, the classes consumed my time for much of the second semester and I have resolved to do a better job this year of time management and not bitting off more than I can chew. I will have one more semester of online classes, and in December will have completed course work for an ELL certification.

The summer has been great so far. I have had chances to see nearly all of my family, hang out with my friends from college, and even go to Camp Okoboji for 2 weeks. Monday I just came back from a Wolfram family reunion, in which we observed my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary.

In these last few days I plan on relaxing, packing, and spending some time with my parents and sister's family.

Ok, that's all for now.