Thursday, July 14, 2005

Really up and running

Alright, I think I have figured some of this stuff out now. So while I had the site up before, now I want to actually use it. Thoughts from today:

I went and visited the elementary kids I used to work with in Nevada, Iowa. It was truly a blessing to see them, and was reminded of why I love working with children and being a teacher. It sure beats the monotony of McDonald's. I have only one week of that left, and then will be taking a week to camp counsel at Camp Okoboji. I am so excited about going back to camp this summer.

That's all for now. Take it easy!


Samuel said...

Shut up Mark, You are going to camp Okaboji! I have a chance to be there but I am going to be here working. There is a family in the church my dad serves named the Meyers who live near there and are there every summer, Paul and Jill Meyer are their names and they are both very tall and very blonde and goofy. Peace Mark.

Charbot said...

Hey--you and I have a mutual friend

Anne--she showed me your blog

Nice work

Peace Out

Anna said...

Hey, Mark! Say "Hi!" To Okoboji for me... and to my cousin, Andrew, also... except that I think he might be out here visiting most of the time you're at camp...hmm. Well, it's very much fun that you have a blog now too. God's blessings and joy to you!