Sunday, July 31, 2005


Greetings in the Lord Jesus Christ. While I have posted a couple of times before, this is post will start my regular upkeep of this website. So welcome to “Live Like A Champion Today!” I will use this website as a means of conveying information about my mission work in Taiwan and my experiences throughout this next year. It will be a supplement to my newsletters and emails. Think of this as an online journal of my experiences, which will showcase my thoughts and feelings as I live and work in another country.

This journal will focus on the spiritual, physical, emotional, and practical aspects of my journey. Above all, my hope and prayer is that this will be an INTERACTIVE website. I would like to use this as a means to communicate and grow in relationships with people who stop at this site. Please feel free to comment or ask questions at anytime. I will either answer questions within the comments section of each post, or I will answer them in the next journal entry. In order to post, you do need to register at the site. Just pick a screen name and password, and enter this when you post. There is no cost to do this, and if you have any questions about it please email me at

So here are my thoughts for today:

Camp was an awesome experience as usual. The thing I love most about camp is that it is an escape from the rest of the world. Being up there for one week, I never left the grounds. The most important things were the kids in my cabin and the other kids at camp. We had fun together playing games, sports, crafts, and learning about God’s love and his mission for us. The theme this year was Spy Cubs, and we were all secret agents working for the Cheif. This year was especially joyous as I got to share with my campers about my upcoming mission to Taiwan.

I returned home to Des Moines yesterday, and was exhausted. Today I met with Rev. Stephen Oliver, who is serving at China Lutheran Seminary at Hsinchu, Taiwan. I had a chance to hear him preach and then enjoyed lunch with him. It was a blessing to meet him and hear about his ministry. Through all of these experiences this past week, God stirred up excitement in me. The departure seems really close and I eagerly await the chance to go over to Taiwan and witness Christ’s love.

Prayer requests for the coming days:

Thanksgiving that God has provided friends and family to fund and pray for me throughout this coming year.


Describe something that you are thankful for today.


Mark said...

In addition to support, I am especailly thankful that I have 2 weeks to spend time with family and friends as I prepare to leave the country.

Anna said...

Mark -
So glad to hear about how much you enjoy camp! That camp is a blessing to many people! And that's really cool you got to meet with Pastor Oliver! Do you think we'll all meet him over in Taiwan? How did you know him?
As for your "interaction" (which I think is a great idea), today I am thankful for God's promises of His goodness, presence, and providence! I am thankful for my family and friends who are a great support, and I am thankful for blueberries, tennis courts, and night skies filled with either lightning or stars.

Mark said...


My dad knew Pastor Oliver. He used to be at Carlisle Iowa, and then was in the Navy Reserves with my dad. I am pretty sure we will all get to meet him at some time. He knows Matt really well, and knows all about CMS and CELA. Thanks for the reply as to what you are thankful for. Tennis cours huh? I do enjoy a lit up sky as well.

Rachel said...

I too like the "interaction" idea! Right now, I am thankful for all the things I have to do to keep me busy until I leave. If I did not have my job and knew I wasn't leaving until the end of September (which is where I am looking at right now) I would go crazy! When God closes a door, He opens a window-that's what I keep telling myself :) Besides my job, I would have to say technology so we can answer questions like this, chocolate, sunrises, and a hundred other things.

Anne said...


I'm thankful to have received your letter. It sounds truly joyful. I can't wait to be reunited in the airport in two weeks:)

I'm also thankful for time. I've had a lot of it over these past months that I've wasted. Maybe I have too little left, who knows. But in this I know God gives his grace, that even though I haven't used what he's given me wisely, he's still going to use me to spread his word.

Finally I'm thankful for people who endlessly support and encourage me. It must take a mountain of patience to watch me slowly get my act together. I guess I'm talking about my parents. They are pretty stinking awesome, all right.

Thanks for asking!

ashley said...

Hmm... something I'm thankful for today was the cool breeze when I woke up this morning at 6:30am, and the gentle sunrays, and the beauty of the lake that I live on - all of God's creation is just amazing, and I am especially thankful for it today. Also, I am thankful for my friends from mission training, and for God's will being done in all of our lives and the lives of those we're going to touch.

on a different note, I'm glad you had a great time at camp!! :-) have a fun time with your family these last few weeks!

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you something I'm thankful for: today was my last day working at CompUSA! Yes!!

Kris said...

Hey Mark I'm glad to see you got a blog set up. You will be missed here, but I pray that your trip goes well for you. I know that you will touch those lives you come in contact with, with the help of Christ's love. My prayers will be with you daily.
May God continue to bless your life daily.

Kris said...

Ok so I forgot to write a little for the interaction: Today I'm thankful for my friends. They mean the world to me and are like my second family when I'm away from home. They bring me comfort, they help me see myself for who I am and are excepting of that person and all the faults that come with it. Friends help me to keep on track with the goals in my life and direct me toward a life of Christ.