Monday, August 08, 2005

The Road to Taiwan

I like driving. I might not be the best at it, or the most focused, but I do enjoy it. I like long trips. When these trips are by myself, I love to listen to the latest CD I bought and the ones I have not listened to in a long time. Driving on the Interstate I can sing with the music, or spend time in reflection. I did both today.

My return this weekend was from the Twin Cities to say good-bye to my family and a friend that lives up there. While it was a 24-hour trip, I had a relaxing and enjoyable experience while I was up there. In the space between eating, laughing, playing games, and saying good-bye, I was driving.

I did spend some of this time singing the lyrics to some of my favorites songs (your eardrums can be thankful you were not in the car with me, ha!), and I did stop to eat at a Green Mill that was in Albert Lee, MN (some of you can appreciate that from our orientation in June), but I also spent a good deal of time in thought.

I realized that this is it…I am truly on the road to Taiwan. I understand that God probably had me heading down this path long ago, but right now I see it in a very practical sense. I have been with some of my friends and family for the last time before I leave. I realize that I really should be home more so I can start to pack (5 years of college did teach me a little procrastination, ha!). The realization that it’s time for the rubber to hit the road brought a lot of questioning in my mind.

Will I be able to pack everything and see all of my friends before NEXT MONDAY? Can I really adjust to such a different culture? Will I be able to survive my first year in a high school classroom, especially outside of the subject area I had training in? Am I spiritual, physically, mentally, and emotionally ready for this journey? As I drove down I-35, the answer was no! But I have week to fix the practical sides of this, and have a lot of trust that my boss, the Lord Jesus, will help with the rest. He will carry me not only as I prepare, but also throughout the coming year.

Lord, be with me as I prepare to serve you overseas. In Jesus name, Amen!

Prayer requests:
-For strength, confidence, and God’s comfort for me and other missionaries as we prepare to leave. Also comfort for the friends and family we leave behind.

-That, if it is God’s will, Kevin Foley would be able to leave for Taiwan with us on August 15th.

What is a trip you have taken that you really enjoyed and why?


Mark said...

Favorite trips, hmmm. I absolutely loved my two months in Puerto Rico student teaching. This is because of all the cool things I got to see, but especially because of the great people I met in and outside of school. My students were unbelievable and the Garcias were a gift from God. I also had a fun spring break trip to Canada my sophomore year of college.

Without a doubt my most difficult trip was the mission trip I took to Juarez, Mexico my junior year of college. That was an adventure.

Kris said...

One of my favorite trips would have to be to Kentucky for Spring break with friends from Memorial or going to Florida for the National Youth Gathering with you and others because it really helped me put things in perspective and open my eyes to Christ's love. (by the way were you listening/singing to Nova... G.O.D TIL I D.I.E.?)
God Bless

Rachel said...

Last fall some of the other people in my Vienna program and I took a night train across Austria and ended up going to Liechtenstein, then working our way back to Vienna. I got the idea to walk across the border from Switzerland to Liechtenstein, as we had missed our stop and got off the train in Switzerland. The Rhine River forms the border, and we walked this path with the river on one side and the beautiful Alps all around us. It was an amazing day!

Mark said...

Great stuff. Rachel that walk and view of the Alps must have been amazing. My little sister went there and fell in love with the place. And yes Kristy, it's G.O.D til I D.I.E. Say did you go to the NOVA concert with me and Greg when we did our "point the love dance"? That was a riot. I was just looking at pictures from Orlando last night. I forgot how much fun Phil can be.